
Thursday, December 12, 2013

-Can You Help Me Find My Way Home?-

       Today was not much different from other days. Some missionaries felt perfectly fine, while others felt sick. We conducted trainings with the new community health workers. Afterwards would be time for French lessons, but things did not go as expected. Olean, which is one of the doctors here, asked our translator Naomi to find out a ladies story that was at the hospital. She is Hausa and does not speak English or any language spoken here. I was curious to find out what was going on with this lady. We eventually found her in the common cooking area sitting on the ground. I stood behind the lady while Naomi went all the way down to her level to greet her. Naomi spent the early years of her life in Nigeria so she is able to speak Hausa and understands things about their culture. The lady was excited to finally speak to someone that understood her. As she told Naomi about her state she had tears running down her face. I was behind her so was unable to see all that was happening. Naomi found out from the lady that she got lost and ended up here at the hospital. We do not know how she got lost in the first place, but here is what we understood. 
     She lives in Nigeria, but not in the same area as her children. Her children live in Bori, which is very far from where she resides with some children that she takes care of. She does not have any contact information for any of her relatives. Her parents and grandparents are all dead. She got  lost in Nigeria and some white lady saw her and picked her up and brought her to Cameron. She was then taken to Lye, Tchad by another white person. Some European people brought her to the Adventist hospital. She was at one point staying by a market in the bushes, but did not eat. The reason that she was in the cooking area was because she was begging for food, but no one gave her any. When we meet her she was eating a handful of peanuts. She told Naomi that she would like some food, cloth, and sleep with her at her house. She felt like she finally meet someone that could understand her and no longer felt as lost. She indicated that she was going to die today because she had not eaten all day long. 
     What do you do when you meet someone that does not know how to get back home? You call the police or missing person services. I doubt the police here will do anything. There is not a missing person services here in Tchad. Naomi and I did not know what could be done with this lady with so many unanswered questions. We prayed for God to show us what to do and help this lady. I got one of my pieces of cloth that I brought here from the States. We then went to get some food and drink for her right outside of the hospital compound. It was enough for her to make it till tomorrow. 
     We went back to the common cooking area and she was still in the same spot that we left her in. This time I sat next to her and was able to see the lady behind the mystery. She is small framed, which can be due to her having AIDS. She has smooth skin that also speaks that she has lived a rough life. Her eyes looked tired, lost, and appreciative at the same time. Her high cheek bones and small face seemed to exclaim that she was from Nigeria. Her soft and faint voice showed that she was tired, weak, and scared. The tears that rolled down her face said that she was tired of being lost and just wanted to get back home to what was familiar. Her slender corse hands indicated that she has worked hard for most of her life. When Naomi gave her the things that we got for her she put her hands together as in a shape of a bowl. This meant that she was thankful for my help. She clasped my hand with both her hands and thanked me for what I had done and that God would take care of me. Even though I did not understand what she was saying her demeanor spoke volumes to me.
      I have been lost on several occasions, but often it was with someone else. When I was a little kid I got lost in a regular size walmart. I looked here and there for my mother while tears rolled down my face. Those few minutes that I was lost felt like an eternity to me. This lady has been lost for days, weeks, or maybe months. This lady cannot call for her family to meet her at the front of the store like many kids do when they are lost. She cannot call anyone since she does not know their numbers. How will she get back to her country? How will she get back to her home? Does she even know where she lives? Does she have Alzheimer's? Was she in a new part of town and got lost? Was she kidnapped? Is her family worried and looking all over for her?? There are so many problems and questions, but no answers. Right now God is the only one that has the answers. There is a reason why she was ultimately dropped off at this hospital and it maybe cause we can help her get back home. If I could I would send her on a flight back to Nigeria where people could take her back home. If I could I would giver her Dorothy's shoes from the Wizard of Oz, so that she could click her heels together and get back home. 
     I cannot say that I understand exactly how this lady feels. I cannot say that I know what to do. What I do know is that I will do what I can and God can lead us along the way. I have never been in such a position, so I do not know which way to turn. Please keep this lady in your prayers. Please pray for us find a way to get this lady back home where she belongs. If you know of what could be done please let me know. 
     While writing this post what came to mind is how we are to God. We were or are lost at some point in our lives. We do not even realize we are lost till we have gone far away from what we know. Some continue down the road that they are going while others try to find another option. Along the path we find those that want to help and those that lead us further down the wrong road. God has rescued people over and over and extended an invitation for us to be His. He rescues the lost sheep to bring them to live with Him. He is the shepherd that loves each sheep the same, so if one of them is lost He will go looking for them for as long as it takes. I am grateful that God looks for me every time that I go straying off onto another path. I am thankful that He loves me so much that no matter how lost I was that He still welcomed me back with open arms. Thank you God for never giving up on us!!

~ Help those in need as much as you would like them to help you. ~

Monday, December 9, 2013

Tchadian for a Sabbath

After finding out how cheap it is to get an outfit we all decided to get a traditional type outfit made. The guys got made what is called a jumper. Us girls used a pattern that was in the tailors workshop. Ours doesn't look Tchadian style, but rather has an American twist to it. The outfits cost $20 and less for the material and for it to be made. With those prices I definitely will get more made!
Everyone at church was excited to see us wearing our outfits. The men gawked at the guys outfits. The ladies ohh and awwed at ours. The outfits were fun to wear, but were a little hot by the end of the day. For me it showed that we are embracing their culture. We are trying to blend in. It also showed that we may be from different places and nationalities, but we are all still the same. Embracing their culture makes them feel like they can connect with us and we are not putting them down. The more I embrace their culture the more that I begin to like it and realize that they are not much different. 
~We are all different, but still all the same~

Monday, December 2, 2013

Pride Before the Fall

     Yesterday was the day that I finally conquered my fears. Yesterday was the day that I didn't let my pride get into the way. It was such a simple thing, but it was a big deal for me. Yesterday was the day that I finally drove the motorcycle with ease, confidence, and no crashes. You see, about a month ago I was taught how to ride a motorcycle by a fellow missionary Bronwyn. She took the time to teach Zach and I since we didn't know already. I was using her motorcycle, which can only be started by a kick starter. To start it by kick start you need to put all of your weight on it and give it a lot of force. For you all who know me know that I am not the biggest or tallest person, but rather quite petite. I had two things that were working against me to get the moto working: 1. I am light in weight 2. I am short. It was much harder for me to even get it started after what felt like millions of tries. What made the situation worse was that there were about four workers there while I was practicing. They were siting on the side just watching all of the action for the most part. After trying to kick start about ten times my pride began to lower. Each time that I tried to start it and it failed I felt like my pride was being beat down to the ground. One side of me wanted to just give up and run away. The other side of me wanted to continue trying so that I could prove that I could ride the bike despite my size. Do I let my pride or confidence win? Do I just give up before I embarrass myself even more? I choose to keep on trying. I started to pray to God that I could get it started because I just wanted to learn to drive so that I could drive the Projects moto. Bronwyn kept on encouraging me and told me what happened when she first learned how to drive. Her story is what helped me to continue trying. I finally got it stared a few times and felt like a weight was lifted.
     I drove around the compound very slowly so that I wouldn't run into anything. Well my speed didn't prevent anything because one time I was heading towards the bed of flowers and tried to stop the bike, but I accidentally pushed the gas as well. I went flying into the short brick wall that encircled the flower bed. My pride couldn't take anymore embarrassment. Then Bronwyn preceded to tell me that one of the workers didn't know how to drive a moto and refuses to learn because of his fears. So often we do not try to do things because of things that stop us, or maybe that only happens to me. Those things could be fears, pride, family, lack of money, or ourselves. I got back onto the moto and kept on riding it and was able to get to second gear. That day I did not get as good as I would have liked, but I was happy that I got somewhere. Zach was able to get the hang of it right away, so he has been the main driver of the moto.
     I tried to ride the moto a couple weeks later, but it did not get very far. I accidentally ran into the rice bush when stopping. The front brake and gas are on the same handle, so when I squeeze one I accidentally move the other one too. I thought after that I may never be able to drive one. Was it my size or lack of skill? :(
     Yesterday morning I was talking to God about different things that I want to do. One of the things that I wanted to be able to do was learn how to ride a moto and overcome that obstacle. Right after the prayer I got the opportunity because Shannice needed help. I was able to start this time without stalling too many times. I was able to stop fine since I only used the back breaks. I did not run into anything or anyone. It felt so liberating to be able to ride the moto around with ease. My confidence rose up high and the things that were working against me before did not even matter anymore. There were some kids who stopped to watch me ride around in the front of the school. I was glad that there were no embarrassing moments happening this time due to the audience. Towards the end of my practice I tried to drive with Shannice on the back of the bike.This is a big deal since it changes the weight and balance of the bike. It was so hilarious because after I figured out how to balance it and ride off I started to scream in fear. This is because when we first started off the bike was wobbling to the left and right while gaining balance. After a few seconds I was able to ride straight without the fear of falling over into the sand. 
     I still need to practice some more before I go off into the open road, but I am still happy. I am happy to know that I CAN drive a motorcycle. When you finally face your fears head on no matter if you embarrass yourself it feels liberating. It feels even better when you overcome and do better than you ever thought. Yes I am short, skinny, and a woman, but those things will not hinder me from accomplishing things that others may think are not possible. What I learned from this experience is that you have to just face obstacles in your life, so that you can overcome them instead of holding you back. Also you cannot let your pride get in the way, but keep on trying till you get it. Lastly, God does care about the things that we think are small. He heard my prayer several times and gave me the ability to drive a motorcycle. No matter how small you think your prayer is He still hears. No matter how big your prayer may seem He is more than able to answer it as well. 
     What are some of the things that you need to overcome? What things have stopped you from reaching some of your goals and dreams? Why are you letting them stop you? Does your pride or confidence come in the way of learning or accomplishing something? If I can learn how to ride a motorcycle that is triple my weight and so high off of the ground that only my toes reach the ground than what is your excuse? Think of the things that you have been able to do in the past than go and face your fears with confidence and strength from God…
          ~Reach for your dreams even if it means falling down several times~