
Friday, January 10, 2014

~My Definition~

            Being a missionary is something that some people dream of doing one day, but may never get the chance to achieve. I have had the privilege of doing it for short and long term (1 year). Once again I am a missionary long term. Being a missionary can mean so many different things to people. One way that people view mission work is as only for those that are really into God and church aka Jesus freaks. They think that one has to be perfect in their walk in order to do this. Some other people see it as a great thing for other people to do, but not them. They merely think it's a great concept. They like how their lives are and do not want it to interrupted. Then there are others that think mission work as something that can be done by almost everyone. There are a lot of people who have the wrong idea about mission work. When people think of missionaries its of a person in a far away country like Africa. Wait that's me! LOL. But seriously, what comes to mind is going to another country. The thing is that mission work doesn't have to be in a desolate place where they don't have electricity. When Jesus made the great commission to go throughout the world preaching, teaching, and baptizing He meant the entire world. Therefore whatever country you are from is part of the world. Unless you’re from another planet then I can’t help you there. There are so many people in our own backyards or blocks that need to be witnessed to about what it means to be a Christian. There are so many people that just need someone to talk with that they can trust.
            Mission work should not be contained in a box, but rather be outside of it. Mission work is not only teaching Bible studies, feeding starving kids in India, or teaching English. Every person has a mission to do in this life. We are not to waste our lives by just thinking of ourselves only. Make your life on earth worthwhile. Go out of your way to talk to people who look like they need a friend. Don't just talk to them and then just keep on going, because than you might as well not have done it. Genuinely talk to them to find out who they are as a person. So often we are in too much of a hurry in first world countries to spend that extra time talking to people. We think we are living the good life, but we have robed ourselves of knowing people for who they truly are rather than appear to be. This is such a simple thing to do but it’s apart of mission work. Before trying to preach people into the Christian life, why not spend the time to become their friend. Jesus taught many times through His actions, which may be the only way to reach some people.  The old saying actions speak louder than words is as true as can be. Actions speak volumes to people who have been told so many lies.
            All in all mission work encompasses meeting peoples physical, social, and spiritual needs as much as we are capable of doing. Everyone was not given the same gifts also they can change with time. Whatever gift He has given you use it for His glory, whether that means being hospitable to people or singing. Use what He has given you wherever He wants you to. To me a missionary is not only one that goes overseas, but it can be in your own city. Do not get me wrong, God does call many to go overseas to do mission work, but it must be one called by Him. I say this because it is not something that is for everyone. For this time in my life what He has called me to do is be overseas, but I don't know where He will call me next. In my short life and walk with God I have found that the more flexible that you are the more that He can use you. Therefore open your heart to what He is calling you to do and allow Him to lead you along the journey. What is He calling you to do today?

-Wherever your placed in life make that your mission work. See where God is working and join Him.-

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